The Thin Place: Rave Reviews and a Few Screams

Just two more weekends and Halloween night to see The Thin Place! The Actors' Theatre production of this spooky story by Lucas Hnath opened to rave reviews, a few startled screams, and a number of things going bump in the night last weekend on Friday the 13th. Get tickets here.
Linda, a charismatic medium, helps Hilda, a young woman grappling with loss, seek answers that lie between our world and the next. The audience becomes part of this intimate séance, where the mind creates its own reality, and nothing is quite what it seems to be.
Director Miguel Reyna wanted to direct this play for Actors' Theatre because it is a simple yet unconventional piece of theater. "It's a play that can challenge the audience to think about what is real and what is an illusion," he says. "It asks us to examine our beliefs about whether there is something beyond this life that we know, with chilling, well-crafted storytelling." Reyna loves horror as a genre, and has directed plays with unnerving plot lines before, from Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and The Humans at Mountain Community Theater, to episodes of The Twilight Zone for DNA presents. He brings his usual flair for suspense and startling staging to this production.
The strong cast brings their characters to life with skill and charm, drawing the audience in, as Hilda exploration of "the thin place"--that veil that separates the living and the dead--moves from questions to some frightening answers. As the opening night audience can attest, there are some scary surprises along the way. Don't miss it!
Read the review by Jake Thomas in the Santa Cruz Sentinel.
Listen to the radio interview with Dylan Music at KAZU.